Level 1-4 Sys Admin Looking For Work

William Palmer

New member
Hello my name is William Palmer and I am currently looking for any position listed below:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

System Administration / System Server Security

Below you will see my resume If you have any questions and or concerns you can contact me via MSN at


Experience - 5 years
Information - I have extensive knowledge handling CPanel and WHM. I am able to identify errors throughout the aforementioned software and fix them within an allocated amount of time, which will never exceed thirty minutes.

System Security:
Experience - 8 Years
Information - I have spent an overwhleming amount of time working on servers within many companies. I have developed a truly extensive and fufilling understanding of server security throughout the years. I have learned how to identify, and fix the issues below:
1. General Kernel hardening
2. Applying/compiling patches such as grsecurity
3. DDoS Resistance hardening / Mitagation
4. Custom Scripts in bash/perl to do tasks you need done to make life easier
5. LiteSpeed high speed performance optimization
6. PHP tuning / Hardening / Patches
7. General apache Hardening / Optimization
8. Squid Setup / Configuration to help with HTTP based floods
9. FreeBSD Security / Hardening for Shell co's and other projects
10. Working with law enforcement to report / deactivate botnets
11. File recovery from hack's / Hdd Failure
NOTE: Teamviewer/Remote Desktop Protocol can and will be enabled as a service so anything that is being performed may be monitored.

Novell Systems:
Experience - 6 Years
Information - A previous job of mine was to find vulnerabilities throughout Novell Systems. Finding over 7 vulnerabilities throughout Novell, I was able to find ways to secure them locally.

Customer Support:
Experience - 5 years
Information - I have been working professionally with clients for over 5 years within the Technical Field. I have a great sense of control, and can keep disruptive people calm and content with any project. I have taken eBussiness Classes, learning the trades of how Businesses work. Being able to help and supply the user with information that they request in an timely manner.

Linux & Windows Servers:
Experience - 8 Years
Information - Previous employment included deployment and handling of various servers such as ESXI servers, Windows, and Linux servers. I have been able to broaden my experience with these listed servers for over 8 years.

Exerpience - 8 Years
Information - I have a great understanding of MySQL Databases and am well equipped and able to optimize MySQL performance.

Programing Security:
Experience - 10 Years
Information - I am able to analyze code throughout software and find vulnerabilities through scripts, which allows me to inform developers and find a resolution to fix said code. I have extensive knowledge in reviewing the folowing codes: PHP, Java, ajax, CGI, Python, Perl, SH, KSH, Bash.

System Administration:
Experience - 10 Years
Information - I do contract work for wrzhost.com as a Server Security System Admin where I configure and secure servers, networks, and clients from vulnerable stuff. By doing so in 6 years I have been well assigned to fix errors in systems as well as have had 4 years in Cpanel and WHM. I can program in Python, Perl, and Bash for daily tasks to be completed. I have knowledge of Centos, Fedora, Redhat, Debian, ubuntu, and Windows server 2003 & 2009. I keep active logs to inform me what is going on every 5 minutes on every server to check for malfunctions or threats. I secure over 400 clients including over 70 VPS servers and 50 Dedicated Servers. I have great knowledge in MySQL, and PHP. I have found ways to optimize MySQL performance and PHP. By doing so I have made clients happy and have made them returning customers.

Direct Admin, Webmin:
Experience - 1 1/2 years
Information - I have been using both panels for about a year and a half now and have been able to fully understand how each operates and functions. This has given me the correct ability to be able to fix client problems within these panel effected issues

OpenVZ, XEN ParaVirtualization, XEN HSM-ISO

Experience - 1 Year
Information: I Have learned how to be able use all 3 stated Control Panels All the way from Setting them up to Monitoring them. As well as using the Server Rescue Node for those 3 panels.

Employment History:

1. County District School Network Admin, 2006-2010
Role: Security Admin / Independent Contributor
Description - I secured a School's Network having to Improve and update all systems which is about over 300 per school and more. My job was to maintain appropriate rights to certain users and secure the Administrative policy throughout the networks. I was assigned to keep security logs of all systems and maintain watch of all activity going through the network.

2. Company, Offshore God, 2009-2009
Role: Security Admin / Independent Contributor
Description - I worked as a freelance to secure and enhance the companies systems from vital threats as well as secure their files from being lost and have saved there system from over 70 clients in which something happened to their systems and lost full control. In a matter of minutes I was able to fix the security issue and bring back all of their clients files and have it back to the state it was originally in.

3. Company, This1host, 2008-2009
Role: Security Admin / Independent Contributor
Description - I have done freelance work on securing their companies networks and servers from security exploits.

4. Company, Wrzhost, 2007-2010
Role: System Security / Independent Contributor
Description - I have worked with wrzhost.com for almost 3 years now, having a passion for IT security and Web Hosting for clients. Securing numerous amounts of servers and protecting the server from threats. Secure servers from threats as well as optimize MySQL and PHP for better performance. I have secured over 400 clients for wrzhost.com as well secured and hardened their dedicated servers and VPS servers. Along with strengthened the main network from vulnerabilities such as the following listed: ARP attacks, Localhost DDOS and DOS attacks, Mitigate DDOS attacks, and configure the cisco routers for protection. I have applied advanced firewall rules to ensure the safety of our clients, with doing so I have achieved a great knowledge in IT security.

High School - Main Classes of Study
Cisco 1,2, & 3
Database Management
Linux Operating System
Programing for VB and C/C++

College - ITT TECH - Concentrations
Computer Network System's
Information System Security
Data Communication's Analasyis

Other Information:

If you have any Questions/Concerns, please leave a Message Below, Send me a Private message, E-mail me, or contact me on msn at Wpalmer@dev-security.net

Thank you,
William Palmer