Legal Zoom for Hosting?

Do you guys recommend this for Web Hosting companies?

Legal Zoom to register your company? No. They charge twice to three times as much to do something you can easily do yourself with a little research to get the proper forms necessary for your state (the amount varies depending on your state).
Our use of Legal Zoom.... we thought we were getting a patent lic., no way, what we got was a provisional patent only good for 1 year and if we wanted to upgrade to a official patent we would need to pay $1200.00 for it. Wow!... really. So we did it ourself for $800.00.

So buyer beware.
I'm not sure where you are from. But we used a place called "We the People" They do it all. It was only a couple hundred dollars. They are like legal assistants so they do paperwork only. That means no lawyer fees! There might be something like that in your area.
I went to the website and saw their pricing. They have both budget and expensive packages. I agree that if anyone could do the incorporation papers by themselves they would save some money and should know what they do. But I really prefer to have a legal adviser around when I enter into a new corporation or when need to incorporate or register anything.
Our use of Legal Zoom.... we thought we were getting a patent lic., no way, what we got was a provisional patent only good for 1 year and if we wanted to upgrade to a official patent we would need to pay $1200.00 for it. Wow!... really. So we did it ourself for $800.00.

So buyer beware.

Isn't that the normal procedure though? First the provisional, then the actual patent? Cost seems to be in the range that I expected them to be.
You can register with the state often cheaper. What these companies usually provide though is a Registered Agent which serves as a point of contact durning standard business hours. Its much cheaper to get one with a company like lz.
You really don't need to legally do anything, I would wait until you got pretty big up there, so you don't waste money if it goes bad.