Leading Tutorial Provider Launches Free Anti-Fraud Database for Web Hosts

CheapDemos... a leading tutorial provider? Isn't DemoDemo the pioneer in the field?
As long as there's the possibility of at least one other tutorial provider doing less business and offering less tutorials than them, technically, they can call themselves 'a leading provider'..." It's kind of like "unlimited" in the context of "unlimited bandwidth, as long as you don't impair server function for the other 60-plus customers using the shared hosting server."

[sarcasm]Gotta love the flexibility of the English language.[/sarcasm]
The pioneer in a field isn't necessarily the leader after a while. :) Cheapdemos didn't say that they are the leader though, they said they are a leading provider.

Such is marketing... everybody is a leading provider, sometimes right from the company's conception. Some people are born leaders! :)