Large Hosting Needed


New member
Hi there.
I am Dan Riordan from Ireland. I currently run an online Graphics Designing site. The designing is carried out on our support forum. The website is at http://pbsupport2.******* There is currently 388 members on our forum.

Anyways, I need some large hosting for a new project. I, and some of my designing friends are planning on creating a site where people can download premade website templates for free. I will place a link to the sponsor's site on all templates and on our main site.

I need as much space and monthly transfer as possible for this, also a domain address. When things get going properly, I will have no problem paying for the account.

I also need unlimited domains, webmail, unrestricted Php, MySQL, C-Panel (latest version), Unlimited E-mail Aliases, the usual requirements for a large host like this.

I hope someone can help.



You've got to be kidding me... why can't you pay?

All I see is me, me, me...
What exactly does the sucker, I mean webhost get ?
cyanide said:
You've got to be kidding me... why can't you pay?

All I see is me, me, me...
What exactly does the sucker, I mean webhost get ?

If you read the post properly you will see that I said, when things pick up properly I will be willing to pay for the hosting package, also place links on all templates linking back to the provider.

Obviously, with an attitude like that, it aint going to happen so I will be taking it elsewhere.
DanEthical said:
Obviously, with an attitude like that, it aint going to happen so I will be taking it elsewhere.
Dan, you have to understand the position of some hosting companies. You are asking for a huge hosting package (considering free templates are going to be downloaded) and unlimited features. It is not a cheap ride for them to sponsor you for just a text-link/banner back and wait until an uncertain amount of time until you are capable of paying them.

Just some food for thought.
Artashes said:
Dan, you have to understand the position of some hosting companies. You are asking for a huge hosting package (considering free templates are going to be downloaded) and unlimited features. It is not a cheap ride for them to sponsor you for just a text-link/banner back and wait until an uncertain amount of time until you are capable of paying them.

Just some food for thought.

I understand. But if I was able to pay for it right now, I would without a problem. However, until such a time as I can sell templates, I need sponsorship. Ah well, Admin, if you would delete this as it is getting nowhere. Thanks all for the time.
Point taken. Are you sure you want to delete this? After your explanation there might be SOME who can accept the terms.
Artashes said:
Point taken. Are you sure you want to delete this? After your explanation there might be SOME who can accept the terms.

Ok. Let it open, who knows there may be someone. lol. Thanks again. :pirate:

I would consider this deal, if I could get links / ads on your current forum....

I would also consider sponsoring you indefinitely if I see a return on the ads / links......

Please let me know if this interests you at all, thanks for reading.

Chris maybe interested in hosting your site. We will only consider this if you display our ads and only our ads along with the usual text links. If your interested please stop by our site and apply for free hosting. Please indicate how much bandwidth/space you are seeking in your request. Right now we would only consider sponsoring a sub-domain.

Best of Luck,
Site Admin
Hi just seen your post , sounds a great idea we would love to host you free , contact us and we will set you up ( free ) ;)