Is it ok to have 2 servers in different places?


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I' currently running dedicated server with **************.com
I would like to have backaups somewhere (there are script which counts our firm accounting information).
I have thought about backup solution. Is it ok if we will have backup server not with **************.com?
SPRY for ex?
I do not want to say that WHB give us bad service, but I was suggested look for other company.
Is it ok? Maybe there are somewhere direct backup solytions?
Yes it is totally fine. In fact remote back with other providers is "Recommended", mainly since you have a better feel good and so do others that in case your main dc or area gets in a mess you have backup remotely somewhere else.

Nowadays most providers remote backup to external third party locations anyhow.

Nothing wrong with it you're not going to offend the provider in anyway. It's more expected than anything when it comes to very important things. Also you don't need to tell them about your backup either so I don't see an issue at all
It's very common for providers to use more than 1 server from different places. I'd actually recommend you do use different server providers.

So your on the right track by using 2 different servers. It can be a bit risky to keep backups on the same server anyhow.

Good luck with your projects. :)

As the others have already stated, vendor diversity is not only "okay", but strongly recommended.

In addition to looking at colocating your own server and handling data replication, you can look towards service providers that are geared towards providing you back up space. In this scenario, you don't have to purchase or maintain the servcer and you simply pay for the space you use.

More than happy to talk in more detail if you'd like
Why not use back up from **************.com? They provide backup daily and weekly. I think it's more convenient to do like that than look for the third party.
Why not use back up from **************.com? They provide backup daily and weekly. I think it's more convenient to do like that than look for the third party.

When using a 3rd party to your primary hosting company there are a few factors to consider such as how to get the data across the internet effectivly and securley (ie.. encryption). Also bandwidth considerations need to be taken in to consideration.
As said, it is perfectly fine to have a backup remote server in a different location.

You'll find that customers will prefer this in fact, as it shows a more stable and redundant setup.
If it's purley for backup, a backup solution would probably be cheaper, no? I've seen 100gig backup for $20 a month, why rent and entire server elsewhere?

But, it's always good to backup and the more server locations, the more redundancy.

Also, WHB won't mind, they won't even know.
Yeah, you should get another dedi for back ups. It will save you time, and also alot of headaches when it comes to clients getting mad when the server goes down, u got a back up.
It is good to have back up server at a diff. location. But probably you wont need a dedicated server for back up, you can get a back up solution much cheaper.
I' currently running dedicated server with **************.com
I would like to have backaups somewhere (there are script which counts our firm accounting information).
I have thought about backup solution. Is it ok if we will have backup server not with **************.com?
SPRY for ex?
I do not want to say that WHB give us bad service, but I was suggested look for other company.
Is it ok? Maybe there are somewhere direct backup solytions?

It should not be a problem. As long as the connectivity is good.
I would recommend to get some space from someone like Gnax who provide backup space at a rate of $0.20/GB or bqinternet who can give you 1000gb for $150/mo if you want. Then you can use rsync or whatever you please to easily back it up.
If you are going to have a duplicated site for live backup, consider load balancing it as well so it can be used all the time to increase the user experience. Simple DNS load balancing is cheap to do and you'll still have a working business if one site goes down.

This can even be done with 2 VPS's at different geographic locations.