Innovative Advertising Ideas


New member
A lot of how well-known your business is, no matter in which field you are participating in, is how creative you can get with putting your name out there for everyone to see. For example, I would like to get a vehicle and have a skin designed for it advertising my hosting company. This would definitely be an attention-grabber when driving around town to handle business. What do you all think and what other innovative advertising ideas can you share with everyone?
Your website is really a key seller for you. I have a dummy page set up right now at my site,, because I'm revamping the entire site. The ugliness has been KILLING my sales. I have phplive and as soon as I post an advertisement in a forum, I watch to see how long people stay. With my dummy page up, the average stay on my site is about 5 seconds. I'm guessing that people get really nervous when they see a blank page with an order form.
I am revamping my site as well. Although, I don't have a dummy page set up. I will just change the site right then and there once its time to move out of the testing area. As far as the add-ons that we add into the company, I find a way to allow access to it from our current site.