If I had a million dollars...

Keston E.

New member
If you had 1million dollars name one thing that you would do to contribute to the internet.

I would pass some laws against spam mail.
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sergei Brin, as well as thousands of other well-known entrepreneurs with plenty of money and willingness to do good for internet community. I don't think any of them would have rejected the fact to pay up some amount to stop spam once and for all. I assume you know someone in the government you would call if tomorrow you win $10 million in a lottery?
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sergei Brin, as well as thousands of other well-known entrepreneurs with plenty of money and willingness to do good for internet community. I don't think any of them would have rejected the fact to pay up some amount to stop spam once and for all. I assume you know someone in the government you would call if tomorrow you win $10 million in a lottery?

Not really but I would vote for some one that supports anti spam and make sure that I am able to supply them with fundings for there campaign.
pfft laws won't fix anything money would be better spent on a small army that tracks down and personally deals with spammers.
I would help create a line of computers manufactured with Linux OS, hoping Bill Gates/Microsoft wouldn't crush me within a year :o