Idea for a site


New member
Ive had an idea for a new website.......

Background info:

At school i always felt that unless you were good at sport or reaaly really clever you never got any credit, you could be the worlds best webdesigner and no-one cared.....pretty much the same with music, if you were really good at it, no-one outside the music department cared at all and sports practices always took precendent over music rehersals.
Same with assemblies, nearly every single person going up on the stage to get an award was getting it for sport.........

So ive been thinking about setting up a site for amateurs in any field to display their work, websites, poems, music etc You never know if the site takes off people may even find work through it?????

What do you think
I like your concept... sheesh, I tell ya'. For the first 2 years of junior high I had this really cool band director... the final year, she resigned to work in another district and the vocal teacher took over.

It really bit because that guy was nuts and he was all ways in a... crappy mood. And when our final performance came along, he gave out awards with crappy remarks...

^ Was that relevent? :? Basically I was trying to say no credit at all.
I think that's a great idea! Have you thought about what you'll choose for a domain name? Good luck! Sounds great!