"I stumbled across the raves of those hosting with mjz. Skeptical, but needy, I..."

"I stumbled across the raves of those hosting with mjz. Skeptical, but needy, I..."

Grant Stemage of metroidmetal.com said:
When you don't run a site rooted in ecommerce, price for hosting is always an problem. My past experiences with budget hosting had not been pleasant. Downtime, latency, lack of communication, skimpy cpanel, no chance of the company's longevity - in so many cases, you get what you pay for. While desperately hunting for a new option, I stumbled across the raves of those hosting with mjz. Skeptical, but needy, I opened an account with what seemed to be an inexpensive, yet reputable option.

A year later, I'm running a premier reseller account with my main site up in full, while hosting other sites underneath. I always get a response from questions quickly, and the resources available to me at this price are staggering – not to mention his customer services. Not enough can be said for a host that will intentionally cap his client base to continue his high level of quality to his clients. I recommend MJZ with full marks, and will continue to as long as he continues to offer his quality packages.


1) MJZ Web Hosting has been in business since June 28th of 2004... closing in on two years now!

2) The business is individualist, run by me myself and I, staffless beyond the necessary server management support from the fine goons of Acunett.

3) My client base has been steady since inception allowing for a confident sustentation of the business over the past two years -- if you don't count my sporadic signup halts, not once has there been a moment of internal economic crisis.

4) I enjoy the unpredictable and inflectional qualities of emotional nuance as opposed to the dead air of mechanistic phrase-turning as seen otherwise monopolizing the "dialogue" within the contemporary portion (as made up by the forces of imagination-refusal and prefigured-connotation worship) of this industry.

5) I sell both shared (starting at $19/year) and reseller (starting at $7/month or $69/year) web hosting.

6) At the time of this posting, I'm sitting at 524 clients spread out across three Dual Opteron servers in three different data centers (FITX, SAVVIS, GNAX) in order to reach peak eclectic ambiences.

7) I've been hovering around the 500 mark for pretty much the majority of 2006 and don't really plan on superceding it.

8) The "small time" or "mom and pop" style scope of business is more along the area I'm aiming to achieve.

9) I'm content with the relatively humble income I end up with and don't really have any "dreams" -- the composite, quantified illusion comprising the "success" of others -- to move beyond it (my dreams lie far beyond economic grandeur to say the least).

10) Myth is based on quality, ideology on quantity.

11) MJZ Web Hosting is your mythological answer to the dead ideology within the others (help us kill it)...

12) Beneath MJZ Web Hosting is the understanding that any excitement that could still be found in the pursuit of pleasure is fast disintegrating into a panting succession of mechanical gestures (one hopes in vain that their rhythm will speed up enough to reach even the semblance of orgasm); the understanding that the quantitative eros of speed, novelty, love-against-the-clock is disfiguring the real face of pleasure everywhere.

13) What a windfall for mystification, to have the qualitative imprisoned in the skin of the quantitative -- MJZ Web Hosting attempts to jump out of this skin, desiring for nothing more than to bring its own truthful yet ineffable mystification into reality.

14) I went to your webhost and I didn't feel anything (why don't you talk to me?).

15) MJZ Web Hosting is a prelude to and fervent supporter of your creative autonomy; the rambling spontaneity that will step outside of your commerce; the transient assault which will surpass your cynical scoff...