I need an ENOM Reseller Account


New member
There was some guy on here who gave me a great offer for a enom reseller account, like $8 setup and a cost of only like $6 a domain. If your on here or anyone knows one who has a good deal similar to this message me on here or on aim at "integrahelp" or msn at "sales@integrahost.com"
8 dollar setup to get 6 dollar domains not going to happen. Let pappa tell you how it is.

So you want 6.95/year domains from Enom? Get ready to fork out some money. Purchase of 6950 eNom Points for $6950.00 to reach the 6.95/year domain :) No one will offer 6 dollar for resellers. Try DirectI the startup costs are cheaper than enom but than you gotta call overseas if a domain is hijacked etc.. Best to stick with Moniker