i help my friend register at godaddy


New member

Recently i help my friend to register his domain on godaddy.com using my paypal account.
After i make that registration and paid, i log in to that domain account and notice that my paypal account listed on 'credit card and payment info'.

This domain i help my friend to register, i can't leave my paypal info inside, how if he renew the domain with my paypal account?Im the one who going to pay for it if he does that.

I send email to godaddy regrading this problem, but he replied me that it required to add a new credit card in order to remove my paypal account from the domain. But my friend don't have credit card, what can i do so my friend has total full DNS control, and my paypal account are safe.

Thanks a million
I don't know for sure if GoDaddy does this, but you and your friend can create two accounts. You would pay for the domain name on your account and push it over to his account.

To avoid having to do this, your friend could just get a PayPal account for himself.
Mean me and my friend share same domain in two different account?He got the Dns control right?And my paypal safe at my side, he can't renew the domain at his side.
The domain name wouldn't be shared. You would push it over to his account and you would lose control over the domain name.

When renewal time comes around, I'd guess he'd have to push it to your account and then you push it to his account. I haven't dealt with GoDaddy, so I don't know how their process would work.

You need to create two accounts with the current registrar. One in your name and the other in your friends name. While registering the domain you can use the account that you have created for yourself. Once the domain is registered you can transfer the domain to your friends account by transfering the ownership of the domain to his account. Since this is an internal transfer with in the registrar, you will not be charged for the same.

Thank you.
