I found such a sick site....


New member
Someone told me about a site today and I think its so sick...
The whole site is video clips of people getting killed/murdered/suicide etc.

One of the videos was a russian soldier being pinned to the ground by other people and his head cut off.

Its basically a load of executions, but not the type you hear of.

I couldnt believe there was a site that had that kind of thing on it.
There has to be some kind of law to stop things like that, doesnt there?
oh man

I wouldnt host such a site....got to wonder about those that would, not too mention their upstream provider, their IP provider, etc....

You would think the authorities would have that removed - even the shadiest governments wouldnt want that stuuf publisized on the web.. would they?
Yeah I know thats what I was thinking Andrew.

I have seen the clips around the net before but this site seemed to have hundreds at least.

Has anyone heard of faces of death?
Im not sure, but i think its similar.
I know the DVD is banned in loads of countries, I was really surprised to see it in Virgin here (music shop mainly)
I thought it would have been banned in the UK, think it had a warning saying it had clips of people being killed...something like that
Im with you gooooogle.

I also dont think anyone else should see it either - but we do live (most of us on this forum anyway) - in a democracy - so, def not my call....
I believe there is something called freedom of speech. Maybe (but just maybe) this web site falls slightly into this catagory (only just a bit visual).
ok, here's my point of view:

As long as the site isn't breaking any local laws (ie the laws of the country/state in which it is being hosted) and the site doesn't deal with hate crimes/racism, etc, then I'm afraid I have to stand up for the right of the person who owns the site.

I don't necessarily agree with what they are doing. I don't think it's something I'd particularly like to see. BUT, I believe in democracy, and even if I disagree with your point of view, I'll fight with my dying breath for your right to express it.

However distasteful I may find it.
Well, personally I have not seen the site and really don't want to. If they are executing people well I would think that is wrong in any country. I don't see how you do not think this is hate crim or any other type of crime. If somebody get's killed itsn't that elegal? And above all one of the first 10 commandments? This world is just getting sicker and sicker.

I would like to see somebody start a movement to go after all these sick people or the datacenters that are allowing it.
don't see how you do not think this is hate crim or any other type of crime

Where did I say that? I said, "as long as the site...doesn't deal with hate crimes/racism etc...". I never made a judgement call as to whether it does or not. I've not seen it.

My point was that if it is legal where it is being hosted and if it doesn't deal with hate crimes ad nauseum, then the site should stay.

Freedom of speech applies to us all. Libertarians, fascists, republicans, democrats, the Right and the Left.

I personally would have a problem with your "mob-justice" against these people. But then, I respect your opinion. You're entitled to it. However, the difference is, I wouldn't start a "movement" against you based on your "movement" against these people.

Once again, this assumes the site in question is legal to begin with. If it isn't, shut it down. Plain and simple.
I cant remember the address of the site so cant check where its hosted, but I wouldnt think any government would allow something like that.

I was talking to someone thath as a brother that works for the company that provides the news feeds around the world.
His job is to sit and watch hours of executions in iraq and edit them so they are legal to show in countries around the world for the news.
I would think that job is so depressing..Not something you would want to go home and talk about anyway.

As for your point kinkamono, I dont think people should be allowed to show a site like that, I doubt any country would allow that to be broadcast on the TV.
I dont know how a site can show illegal executions either, some of the things didnt sound like they could be legal, anywhere.

I remember i saw a clip by accident because it was named something else about a year ago, it was the same kind of thing i said about.
Another man getting his head cut off, I thought it wasnt real, but the scene seemed far too realistic and the man really seemed frightened, nothing an actor could ever do.
I found the real filename and it was one of the faces of death videos, I think some of those are on the site i was talking about too
kinkamono said:
Where did I say that? I said, "as long as the site...doesn't deal with hate crimes/racism etc...". I never made a judgement call as to whether it does or not. I've not seen it.

Sorry, has still asleep when I wrote that.