I chose my name


New member
Well everyone I think you remember me joining not sure what domain to choose, well I have settled on one domain I just hope I grab it from pool. I once wanted sunhoster.com then goldhoster.com then datahosts.com then skell.com and now I have found a domain I am going to use and its hostbind.com, what do you think of it :)
Very impressive, I look forward to seeing your site up and running soon and wish you luck in business....not that you'll need any of course :)
WebDT said:
I just hope I grab it from pool
telling eveyone the domain on a public forum sadly doesn't increase your chances ;)
why not come up with you own unique name/identity, rather than trying to grab soething thats been used and failed before
I'd have to agree with othellotech. It might have been more prudent to announce the name after you secured it. Posting it beforehand just opens up the possibility that someone reading this thread may try to get it themselves.

Anyways, good luck securing it. :)

WebDT said:
all my names I thought of were taken so I just look on pool, better domains are better :)
better domains are better ? que ? bluer domains are bluer, faster domains are faster ...
look at it logically ...
if the domain is on something like pool then either:
it was squatted on and no-one wanted to buy it - so potentially worthless
it was not renewed as the previous owners didnt need it - so potentially worthless
it was expired as the previous owners have gone bust

none of which inspire great confidence in the domain name for branding purposes
I search domains on google to check history this has none so its great for me, people are bidding against me I knew I shouldnt have said :devil:
You might want to snatch the .net version as well - if people were bidding against you for the .com verison, someone might try and get the .net version.
Well as usual somthing has gone wrong, I have paid but still not received my login details from the registrar, pool have contacted them and still nothing has happened :cry:
When we've bought out domains in the past we had a lawyer draw up a contract to protect both buyer and seller. Did you sign a contract or did they sign any sort of contract? Keep us informed! Best of luck, hope you get it straightened out!