New member
My website is

It will be "officially" debut in march.
It is a simple but productive WHOIS Lookup site. The site is very clean and professionally done. It does not get lot of hits because it was just created last week. But there is lot of potential.

Please give me constructive criticism and feel free to test out the site.


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Since this is a review thread, you shouldn't be advertising :P
Erm, as far as the site goes, I like the idea, but

a) I dont like the bright green design. There is not contrast and it actually is quite painful to look at.

b) I dunno what is up with the domain name. Why ebeat? why dot net?

c) Dont you think it would maybe be better if we could have the option to enter international domain names aswell??

Just a little bit of critique and questioning your thinking!
sorry i'm new here(no more advertising in here)

A)I will fix that. It is too bright. The reason i didn't catch that is because my monitor the brightness is low.
B) i thought the domain name is very catchy. Its .net because .com is taken and they want 10 Grand for it. I had it for few years and it has PR of 4.
C) Actually i don't because that gets cluttered. There are million of internation domain names and they represent a very very small percentage of registered domains. I wanted to keep it very simple and clean.
From a pure design point of view, it's simple and it works, but you need to fix that bright green (as you previously mentioned you would). Could you change the font on the results page to Arial? IMO, it would make the site better.
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