[.htacess] Mask .php to look like .html?


New member
Hi guys,

This has got to sound silly, but can anyone tell me how to mask .php extension to show as .html using .htacess?

I tried doing this:

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.htm$ $1.php [nc]

However, I don't think it is working. Any help is appreciated. :)
I traced it to the .htaccess file. When I was bringing up my site, the ads wouldn't show and the .php wouldn't execute. And sometimes my Browser would try to download the webpage instead of just view it. So I went back and forth on tech support with my ISP LunarPages.

Seems they run something called suPHP and the contents of .htacess must be:

AddType x-httpd-php .php .htm .htm

(notice it doesn't have the 'application/' in it.)

I guess suPHP doesn't like the 'application/' .

I am new at this, but it might work for you if you are having a rough time..:rolleyes2

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