.htaccess or CP?


New member
Which one these two do you prefer more for server settings? I personally like to setup my server defaults trough CP and just change them through .htaccess when needed, you?
But isn't it easier to put all settings in one file and then just put it in the root of your server? Jumping trough CP is annoying at times. Although for this you need to know Apache scripting language very good.
I like .htaccess files - but then I'm in shell so often it's easier for me to do things that way than dealing with control panels. I'm comfortable in shell, operate linux boxes at my house for personal use, so doing things via shell on a server is not a concern to me.
I prefer to use .htaccess. If you have the experience then .htaccess is better, if not then you will probably be better off going through the cp.
There is a benefit to using the httpd.conf file instead of .htaccess files. When .htaccess is enabled on the server it causes the server to look for, open, read and close the .htaccess files sometimes many times for each individual page load. Using httpd.conf and disabling .htaccess can often enable you to stretch server performance a bit further.
I am sure any settings made via the control panel is automatically changed to the .htaccess file. I remember once trying to change a rewrite module via cPanel and when I checked in the empty .htaccess file, there are the necessary syntax added automatically.
I prefer .htaccess file.But if you don't know how to use .htaccess you can choose cPanel,it is easier than .htaccess.
Definitely .htaccess as it's much nicer to edit something via NotePad and just FTP it without having to log in and navigate through those sometimes lengthy menus.
.htaccess is alot better then cp I am almost sure the settings made by the cp is automatically made to edit the .htaccess so that would just be you need to edit the .htaccess.