Howdy everyone


Hi there,

Just wanted to drop in to introduce myself. My name is Daniel P, I'm the COO over here at KnownHost. I hope that over time I'll be able to provide useful insight and content for your forums as I've been in the industry for over 20 years now.

Thanks for having me!
Hi Daniel,

Welcome to HD. I think that you are one of the few members that we have coming from Alabama. :)

It is fantastic to have KnownHost around the forums, I've known about your company for quite a number of years. Thanks for joining and for taking the time to introduce yourself.

Naturally, if you have any question or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly.
Welcome to the forums KnownHost. I've personally been a fan and supporter for several years.

At one point, I had several hundred VPS instances operating through KnownHost. Great company and great pricing.
Hi Daniel,

Welcome to HD. I think that you are one of the few members that we have coming from Alabama. :)

It is fantastic to have KnownHost around the forums, I've known about your company for quite a number of years. Thanks for joining and for taking the time to introduce yourself.

Naturally, if you have any question or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Thanks for the welcome. We're a rare breed in Alabama that's for sure. Not very many International players are located here but I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else.
Welcome to the forums KnownHost. I've personally been a fan and supporter for several years.

At one point, I had several hundred VPS instances operating through KnownHost. Great company and great pricing.

Hey Conor! I remember you and all of your VPS's indeed. It's been a while. I hope things have been going well for you!
Hey Conor! I remember you and all of your VPS's indeed. It's been a while. I hope things have been going well for you!
Things are going well. No longer in the web hosting business, but going strong in the SEO world.

Happy to see you here in the forums and business is still going well for you guys!