I had a pretty good Christmas How was yours? Santa good to you?
I am single ... and the family decided years ago to stop exchanging presents between the adults ... so the actual presents were a might scarce
Almost 20 years ago "the family" (parent & siblings) decided instead of giving to each other, we would take the money we would normally have spent on each other and give it to the "battered women's" shelter and the homeless shelter in my hometown. Its never a huge amount of money ... but usually enough that we know everyone that are in residence at those places at Christmas each will receive a small gift ... and that gives us all the "warm fuzzies" for weeks
I travelled the 1/2 hour drive back to my hometown for the day. Watched the young ones in the family open their presents. (We all give presents to the kids until they finish their schooling) The whole family always gets together on Christmas, spends the day together, has an open house in the afternoon so all the extended family & friends are constantly popping in & out and then that is topped off by a big sit down dinner with the immediate family & any inlaws that choose to come. Its kind of an unofficial "marriage agreement" for anyone marrying into the family .... Christmas Day is ours ... no exceptions

So a lot of the inlaws families arrive to spend the day with us as well.
This year we kind of broke from the traditional main course of turkey. Well, there was still one turkey that was cooked & carved ... but I was informed a few days ago the main course was going to be primarily BBQ'd beef tenderloin steaks. Seventy pounds of the suckers. By the end of the meal, the family agreed we had a new family tradition on Christmas ... BBQ'd beef tenderloin is now going to be the main course every year hahahahaha
Between the steaks & the side dishes, about 6 different main deserts in addition to the Christmas cakes & Christmas pudding & plates of cookies, squares & tarts .... the free flowing wine & after dinner "spiked coffee's" ... the whole meal felt like unadulterated gluttony

But hey ... its once a year .... I can live with the guilt hahahaha
I was the first to leave at about 8 PM ... but then too, I was the only one who had to drive out of town And no ... I did not indulge in any alcholic beverages Besides not wanting to drink & drive ... my body does not react well to booze these days
So all in all ... another quite wonderful Christmas filled with family, friends, love & sharing. Except for maybe the absolutely sinfully delicious meal ... I think we kept Christmas well
I hope each & every one of you were able to enjoy your Christmas just as much
Happy Holidays :santa: