How to unzip files on server?

Do you have remote access like SSH?

If you do, then you can ssh in and just run 'ssh' or if it is a tarred gzip file you can run 'tar xvzf filename.tar.gz'

If you don't have ssh access you will need to unzip on your local computer with a program like WinZip or WinRar. I personally prefer WinRar.
It depends highly on the privileges you have and the control panel you use.
If you have SSH access privilege, then unzip is your choice.
If you do not have SSH access, and your hosting provider uses cpanel, then you can use the "extract" function (top-right corner) to unzip your files.
you can unzip using PHP if PHP has been compiled with the zip extension or if the server has the PECL extension installed.

If you are not sure whether they are installed you could have a look at the output of the phpinfo() function.
if your host runs cpanel (and maybe other controls panels have it as well), you can use the File Manager to extract files on the server (you can also use it to upload the compressed file).

Click the file name (not the icon) to select the file, then click on Extract.

Hope this helps.