How to tell if its Fraud?


WHMCS Developer
So far I have had no fraud orders at all, They says if a card has been rejected etc which is normally due to the wrong expiry date or something lik that.

How do you guys go about checking for fraud, how do you get their IP address and when you do, what do you use to check this against their info?

Im sure it sounds like a basic question but it is something I need to know before we can expand.

Thanks in advance
Hi Jose,

First off - if you use a real merchant account, they usually come with some sort of fraud filter (ie billing address, name and phone number must all match, or else the transaction is put on hold and you are notified to perform a manula authorization).

We also set up the filter so that if the billing address doesnt match the country of origin for the IP, it also holds the transaction.

If a transaction gets held, we usually call the card holder and verify the transaction, document the conversation in an email and wait for their response.

Even with all this, a couple have still gotten through, but ... its the nature of the business I guess...

Hope this helps...
I use 2CheckOut and paypal to accept payment.
2CheckOut checks every order for fraud so you dont have to and it normally qorks well but a lot of my orders are showing as high risk, even though I have never had a problem with any accounts through 2CO.

With paypal I actually dont check for fraud myself, which might not be good practice but I havent had any problems.
I guess I will have to check my paypal accounts for fraud also.