How To Run And Setup A Dedicated Server !?


New member
I would appreciate any information about runing a dedicated server for a web hosting company. :crap:

It would be great If anyone know's where I can find articles or even books about this subject. :cry:

Thanx All
What operating system will/is this server running?

If its Linux the best advice i can give you is to find the distro (usualy redhat) and install it on a old computer to "play" with this will help you gain the best understanding on how the OS works.

You will also need a SSH client to access your server you may want to look at putty (windows OS) or if you are using Linux at home just type SSH and you will connect to the server.

One of the most important things you will need to learn is Shell comands for example:

CD /home/stewis/www : changes the current browsing directory to /home/stewis/www
top : displays current running processes as well as some details about your server.
vi filename.txt : starts vi or vim as your text editor and opens filename.txt (i usualy use pico but vi/vim seems to be on most servers)
dir : gives you a directory listing

there are lots more shell comands you may want to look around the net for them as well as looking in a localbookshop for books about Linux.

If the server is windows based i think you can use remote desktop but i am not sure because i have always used Linux.

And remember if you have a server control panel installed on your server it usualy can do most things but theres always something you will have todo your self so its best to learn early.

a good place to look for help is ev1servers support forums theres loads of howtos and information on how to run and secure your servers.

Stewart McIntosh
Last edited:
1) Follow Stewarts advise
2) When you think you're ready- pay the extra money for a FULLY managed server - and preferable choose a provider that also provides support for your control panel (this is good advise even for people are are fluent in linux/windows server management as well as fluent in the ins and outs of their CP...

My $0.02
Cartika said:
1) Follow Stewarts advise
2) When you think you're ready- pay the extra money for a FULLY managed server - and preferable choose a provider that also provides support for your control panel (this is good advise even for people are are fluent in linux/windows server management as well as fluent in the ins and outs of their CP...

My $0.02

3. Onsite & offsite Backup

Shell commands dir:
Thank You All

Just wana say your the only one's who took me serios.
At least I know where to start from now. :box:

Thank You All :wave: