How many spam emails do you have today?

No spam so far today :) I nornally dont get much spam at all. I never use my email address to register for anything. Thats what my fake account is used for :) I just periodically check it to make sure registration links I need aren't deleted. Other than that.. It deletes that folder weekly.
I get far too much spam - Im sure it has nothing to do with porn sites though - really, I never visit those

*wife steps out of room*

OK, its all those damn porn sites - LOL :)
Those kind of sites which are just trying to make money through everything will sell your email in a large list to a load of other sites/companies so if you signup for one then thats you done...It will end up being solf to someone who will sell it again and it will just keep going.

BTW, dont try unsubscribe from any of them, all you are doing is confirming that your email address is active and often, signing up to more without knowing it..
Well I received about 20-30 spam emails yesterday, but I am watching TV right now, and I just saw a commercial about how they plan to cut down the spam with all these procedures, should be good, I hope.. but sad thing is, said not to expect it to immediatly affect the spam :(