How many of you use webmail in cpanel..?

Do people actually use the webmail included in our hosting packages?
I personally use the email a host provides in the control panel, but I own all my servers so I do not use shared hosting. I use email from Gmail for personal use and YouTube and other places.
Never, and never again.

I use a Company mail server I built, mainly with qmail and some other hot tools, then just desktop clients.

I prefer managing our own mail server, alot better and more fun.
Mail and webmail on cpanel serves is great for small businesses. Also Google apps has limited their free version to like 10 accounts now. So if your small business is bigger than this, going back to your web host is a good way to go.
Years and years and years ago when, just out of curiosity, I clicked on those web-based Cpanel solutions Squirrel mail and something else, I got into such a strong state of shock and horror that never again did I even consider it for one second as my web-based solution.

Right then I made a promise to myself to turn to it only in a critical emergency somewhere on the island in the Caribbean region and only if my life was in danger.
That was funny Artashes.

I've used Squirrel mail in the past and after that never again did I. I mainly use desktop clients to read and send mail.

I've used google mail apps and loved them I am getting ready to transfer all my business email address to google apps along with staff emails etc. I seen on google that first 10 accounts are free that is a big plus.
The only time I ever use webmail is if I have to and many times over its when I am on a rushed trip out of state sitting on a laptop instead of my main computers. It comes in handy in a pitch but I would much prefer Outlook.
I would like to say I signed up for google apps and I am loving it. Its very good software and I recommend it 100%. I wont be using thunderbird or any email client ever again!
Currently using Google

Because as a host yourself you don't trust your own systems or infrastructure to be as reliable ?

I've *never* understood hosts who sell things they wouldn't use themselves ...

Back to the original question - yes I use webmail * occasionally* depending on what I'm accessing with and where from.
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We've got roundcube installed among the generic others, which is somewhat not all that bad... very similar in layout and function to the new google apps accounts :) .... personally I use roundcube/google apps and the iphone...

My main hate in the email world is outlook these days :smash:
Years and years and years ago when, just out of curiosity, I clicked on those web-based Cpanel solutions Squirrel mail and something else, I got into such a strong state of shock and horror that never again did I even consider it for one second as my web-based solution.

Right then I made a promise to myself to turn to it only in a critical emergency somewhere on the island in the Caribbean region and only if my life was in danger.

...and here I thought I was opinionated. :shocked::D
I always use the webmail feature of cpanel all the time. I use RoundCube for my mail and I find it to be awesome. Simple yet effective.
Do people actually use the webmail included in our hosting packages?
I personally use the email a host provides in the control panel, but I own all my servers so I do not use shared hosting. I use email from Gmail for personal use and YouTube and other places.

I've been happy using webmail. Since I have 12 domains of my own it allows me to fetch all my mail from other servers and contain it in one single account.

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