how long ...?

I can't say for sure but Jose signed up 01-14-2003 so I assume it was sometime around then. (Originally Known as has been online since Jan 2002.

We will be 2 years old in 3 months! :)

Edited: (It's 2 years old not 3. Opps!)
Blue said:
I can't say for sure but Jose signed up 01-14-2003 so I assume it was sometime around then.

It was launched on Jan 2002 and it was acquired by me a year later (Jan 2003) :)
1AsianChic said:
how long has hostingdiscussion been online ?

As Jose stated, soon to be 3 years. I myself signed up when the forum had about 450 users, it was quite inactive. Jose took it over not so long after and then it grew more than 2 times in the same year 2003 and still growing!

He is a good manager. :o
Artashes said:
Blue should make some pancakes. :bdcake:

Sorry Artashes, no time.
I just made some pizza with home made pepperoni and I'm about to dig in.
Tomorrow I'm cutting into a procuitto that has been hanging since early in January of this year.
Re: Re: how long ...?

Artashes said:
Jose took it over not so long after and then it grew more than 2 times in the same year 2003 and still growing!
That would not have been possible without your help! :beer:

Forget about the pancakes, let's have some pizza!
Re: Re: Re: how long ...?

Orioli said:
That would not have been possible without your help! :beer:

Forget about the pancakes, let's have some pizza!

1. Thank you. Same goes to you and Blue and the rest of this community.

2. I ended up going to the Mexican restaurant tonight and I think one cute girl in there hit on me after I was walking her to the bus stop (I'm working with her in the same student association)! Is telling me that she is "in desparate need to go out" counts as a possible sign for that? :crazy2:
Actually it goes even further:

Creation Date: 22-feb-2002

Creation Date: 21-jul-2001

It would be cool to know the exact date of this board's birth. :)
January 23, 2002 it is! :)

That means we'll be 2 years old in 3 months and not 3 years. I guess domain registration doesn't count - its the first post that counts, is it not?

I just want to make a post in the calendar on that date, that's why I'm looking so precisely at this date.
Artashes said:
That means we'll be 2 years old in 3 months and not 3 years.
Well, I know HD was launched on Jan 2002 and it was acquired by me on Jan 2003.

Opps! That's correct Artashes, we'll be 2 years old! :smilie3: (sorry guys)