How Long to Pay For?


New member
Is it best to pay monthly and try a host for a month before deciding to buy a longer or yearly package? I know normally you pay less if you pay for longer, but I'm not sure what I want in a host so I think monthly might be better to try a few out...
If the host offers a smaller package, I don't see anything wrong with trying it out first. You might spend a bit more money in the short-run, but it's worth it if you're not totally convinced a host is right for you.
I think it's best to try the service while paying smaller amounts. In any case, one should not pay in advanve any sums that he can't afford to lose. Too often people spend their last money on 1 or two years of hosting, only to find out that the host doesn't fit their needs or expectations, and then complain that they're stuck with a hosting account that is of no use to them.
Well imagine paying for a year, then getting burned. Yeah, you would have paid less "money", but you would have paid in other ways to make up for the money you saved.

As mentioned, try em out first. Once you're satisfied with their service, then opt for a longer subscription.
Jay - GM Sales


Well if the service provider offers to give one month setup then fine. But the least package will be for 3 months. :)
Month-to-month for the first three months or so. This will give you an opportunity to evaluate the host's services and normal business practices.
I've been burned with a few hosts now and have reached the point that I no longer trust them to do a decent job. I would probably spend 3-6 months on a monthly basis before contracting for a longer term, and would want to be sure that the TOS allowed for refunds before stepping into it.
Unless there are huge benefits for paying for the year, i would pay monthly especially if it's a new web host. If things go sour, you know you won't have to worry about getting a partial refund then.

For the first time monthly is best, can check the performance, support and uptime. If u feel confertable can extend 1 to 2years. Any how almost hosting companies providing COUPENS and some other offer 0like 20% dicount for 2 years like.
I'm an incredibly untrusting individual so the TOS is one of my most important aspects of a new purchase on the web. I'd rather a somewhat shoddy host that will refund me if I get fed up than a good one that dissappears one day with whats left of the price of a two year contract. :) Good to know some of them offer coupons for hosting.

I'm just having issues picking one to take a gamble on along with a domain name. I guess you could call me a cyber chicken.
I'm an incredibly untrusting individual so the TOS is one of my most important aspects of a new purchase on the web.
The TOS is one story. What the company will do, can be another. :)
I agree. Most TOS's have have the same content. For example, almost all shared hosts have some wording that covers using too much processor. It never contains a metric and is purposely vague so that a host can suspend an account for the violation.

Like Idcdc said: "The TOS is one story. What the company will do, can be another."
Although it's a legal document, it does not require the host to take action. Many TOS's have verbiage that allows a host to charge to reinstate an account after suspension. It doesn't mean that they do in any given situation, however, they can if they like.
But still it's a legal document, if not this what else could be relied on?
Yes, it is a legal document. Yes, it would have value in a court of law. But who is willing to go to court over $100 or so worth of refunds? Not to mention that often times the host is in a whole other country, probably on a whole other continent. :)
Testing out a host is not that bad for a few months. When you go to buy a car you research the dealership and get a test drive. Many providers will let you have a free trial run to see how they operate, not all but many you just need to do the research and find them.
Many providers will let you have a free trial run to see how they operate, not all but many you just need to do the research and find them.
Those that do not outright may do so if you send an email and chat with them about their services. Others have 20 or 30 day money back guarantee's, which allows you to trial their services and provides the host with some assurance that you're not a SPAM'er.
If the host doesnt charge much setup fees, trying out for one month before paying anual is good. Otherwise, if they offer 30 day money back guarantee, pay for one year.
I will never pay a one year package from a web hosting company if it is my first time to get service from them. Better follow what most of us suggest you to do, test the service for a month or two then you could decide if you will get a long-term hosting from that company.
Regarding the legality, I am sure that the TOS would have been written by someone very knowledgable in writing them. They would make sure that there are get outs, and loop holes and plenty of ways to make sure that they are not held liable for anything.