agents: problems with support?


New member
My company is an agent for

We've found that Hostway support has really gone downhill. Although the Tier 1 phone guys are great, anything that gets escalated to Tier 2 goes into a black hole. (We've been waiting over a week to get a subdirectory ftp account set up for one of our clients... SiteControl did not work, and nobody at Hostway can tell us why.)

I'm trying to locate other Hostway agents to see if they are also experiencing problems with support, and whether we can work together to put some pressure on Hostway to improve. (I've already gotten responses from a couple of other Hostway agents who are interested.)

I'd love to hear from you about your experiences with Hostway, and what you'd like to see improved.

Also let me know if you're interested in working with other agents to get more leverage with Hostway
I didn't have any experiences with Hostway,but I had some with HostingZoom and Hostony. Though,there were some troubles with the support of their companies, in general there servers are powerful and stable.
Generally i have heard good things about HostWay but I'm sure just like any other provider, sometimes things can be misconstrued and problems can develop. If they have a number, i would call them.
I think that easiest way is call them regarding that issues. In other case you may contact them constantly and do not get any reply ;)
My company is an agent for

We've found that Hostway support has really gone downhill. Although the Tier 1 phone guys are great, anything that gets escalated to Tier 2 goes into a black hole. (We've been waiting over a week to get a subdirectory ftp account set up for one of our clients... SiteControl did not work, and nobody at Hostway can tell us why.)

I'm trying to locate other Hostway agents to see if they are also experiencing problems with support, and whether we can work together to put some pressure on Hostway to improve. (I've already gotten responses from a couple of other Hostway agents who are interested.)

I'd love to hear from you about your experiences with Hostway, and what you'd like to see improved.

Also let me know if you're interested in working with other agents to get more leverage with Hostway

You are not the only one. I have seen same complaints about them from different users on wht as well.
on a separate note - is the hostway agent program good for you and do they pay a residual income - is that why it’s a problem
Customers are cancelling because of poor support?
I think that generally any business is going to have support issues from time to time. That's just the nature of the beast! I cannot honestly think of any company I've ever dealt with that had perfect support all of the time.
My company is an agent for

We've found that Hostway support has really gone downhill. Although the Tier 1 phone guys are great, anything that gets escalated to Tier 2 goes into a black hole. (We've been waiting over a week to get a subdirectory ftp account set up for one of our clients... SiteControl did not work, and nobody at Hostway can tell us why.)

I'm trying to locate other Hostway agents to see if they are also experiencing problems with support, and whether we can work together to put some pressure on Hostway to improve. (I've already gotten responses from a couple of other Hostway agents who are interested.)

I'd love to hear from you about your experiences with Hostway, and what you'd like to see improved.

Also let me know if you're interested in working with other agents to get more leverage with Hostway

by me: total cooperation! I am now in the same situation: I passed level 2! In the black hole!

Piero Giampani
My company is an agent for

We've found that Hostway support has really gone downhill. Although the Tier 1 phone guys are great, anything that gets escalated to Tier 2 goes into a black hole. (We've been waiting over a week to get a subdirectory ftp account set up for one of our clients... SiteControl did not work, and nobody at Hostway can tell us why.)

I'm trying to locate other Hostway agents to see if they are also experiencing problems with support, and whether we can work together to put some pressure on Hostway to improve. (I've already gotten responses from a couple of other Hostway agents who are interested.)

I'd love to hear from you about your experiences with Hostway, and what you'd like to see improved.

Also let me know if you're interested in working with other agents to get more leverage with Hostway

Why don't you create the ftp sub account yourself?