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We've found that Hostway support has really gone downhill. Although the Tier 1 phone guys are great, anything that gets escalated to Tier 2 goes into a black hole. (We've been waiting over a week to get a subdirectory ftp account set up for one of our clients... SiteControl did not work, and nobody at Hostway can tell us why.)
I'm trying to locate other Hostway agents to see if they are also experiencing problems with support, and whether we can work together to put some pressure on Hostway to improve. (I've already gotten responses from a couple of other Hostway agents who are interested.)
I'd love to hear from you about your experiences with Hostway, and what you'd like to see improved.
Also let me know if you're interested in working with other agents to get more leverage with Hostway
We've found that Hostway support has really gone downhill. Although the Tier 1 phone guys are great, anything that gets escalated to Tier 2 goes into a black hole. (We've been waiting over a week to get a subdirectory ftp account set up for one of our clients... SiteControl did not work, and nobody at Hostway can tell us why.)
I'm trying to locate other Hostway agents to see if they are also experiencing problems with support, and whether we can work together to put some pressure on Hostway to improve. (I've already gotten responses from a couple of other Hostway agents who are interested.)
I'd love to hear from you about your experiences with Hostway, and what you'd like to see improved.
Also let me know if you're interested in working with other agents to get more leverage with Hostway