

New member
This isn't really so much of a review as it is a request for help.

I am starting a hosting faq database and would like suggestion on categories, and links.
You can ask questions online via the form.

The site is in the very early stages and can be found at

Thanks in advance for any help you offer.

Of course, suggestions on changes to the site design are also welcome.
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First off, let me just say, I LOVE the design. It's just, man. Makes me wish I had half that kinda talent.

Second - you've got to assume that the person looking for hosting has no idea what is needed. You've got to treat them like a newborn. They don't know what propogation is, why it's important, they don't know cPanel from DirectAdmin, and that they have NO clue what a registrar, TLD, GB, MB, or even name server is, and why ANY of it is important. Now, while that's not the case for everyone, most the people who venture out and go with Yahoo or the like, is because they trust that they're getting a good deal, and it's simple.

If I'm a newbie (like what I described) then the first thing I want to see is a good starting place. So I'd suggest a "New to hosting?" link that will guide them quickly, and briefly through the steps to getting, and why they need hosting.

As far as questions to have on the site, short of detailing out much of what I mentioned above, the differences between bandwidth and transfer, GB, MB, etc... there's not a lot that we get asked that are general to the hosting industry.

What does GB stand for?
What does MB stand for?
What is a nameserver?
What is a TLD?
Why doesn't my domain show up right away?
What is a registrar?
What is a Control Panel, and why do I need one?
FTP? What is this?

These are fairly general questions pertaining to the Hosting Industry....
I'd like to take credit for graphic "talent" John but the header is a TM template that I've integrated the script into.

I like the idea of a Newbie page. I will integrate that.
How about a portion related to OS's...FreeBSD, Linux, Windows and underneath that...well security or other sub categories. Also directAdmin should be DirectAdmin. This is definetly a great idea :).
I think that is close to what I'm trying to do Dan.
I want a site that people can come to as a reference whether they are a beginner or an experienced host. Somewhere they can go to find info without wading through a bunch of advertising or so called "industry news"
How about a category on "Customer Support" - to describe support methods companies could provide: popular software platforms, emails, telephone, forums, online chats, messengers, etc.
There is a section for help desk software Art, I could add sub-sections for forums and chat programs etc.
I want a site that people can come to as a reference whether they are a beginner or an experienced host. Somewhere they can go to find info without wading through a bunch of advertising or so called "industry news"
That's not a bad idea at all... It crossed my mind a few times as well, but I've never transformed the ideas into action. :)

Good luck with it. I hope it'll become an useful useful, popular resource.
I looked at that software before Art.
I like the idea but it will take a while for the site to build a community and credibility for a program like that to really work.