News Blog to be included in Google News


Staff member
Just got an email from the Google News Information team, and excited to share with the rest of you:

Hi Artashes,

Great news! We've added your site ( to Google News. The inclusion of your articles should be processed within the next few weeks. Please retain this message and refer to it should you have any issues with your site in Google News.

Google News Information

It might sound silly to some, but it certainly made my day. Not sure how and if this will impact at all, but I think there is nothing bad in being included in Google News search aggregate. :)
That's great news! It'll sure help with the news releases and your page rank etc. Having another section of the site being frequented by google on a regular basis means quicker indexing of things! Nice work!
Congrats Art!! This will surely boost HD's traffic and and like Webfreak08 said, "Slowly, but surely, we move on our path towards world domination." MUAHAHAHA *Starts Coughing*
