Hosting For Youtube/Myspace Social Networking.

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New member
Hey there. I'm in the market of starting a smaller youtube/social networking site. It's basically a mix of myspace/youtube etc.. togethor, so you can say it's like a social networking site. I need someone, who can sponsor us. In return, we can offer banner ads for you and money raised from donations or ads. Were new, so it's a start off project. The minimum requirement would be PHP 5.x and GD support. If anyone can help us, please feel free to PM me or post here.

Thanks for your time.
i can help u, but we dont have php 5 yet, were waiting for the stable version of it before we upgrade.

let me know if ur still intrested.
Well I guess I'll have to wait then, because we really require php 5 and up, along with GD support. Otherwise our software script won't work.. :(
Still looking around for a host. I had found one, but it seems like they've reverted back to php 4.. and php5 is mandatory!
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