Hosting For Life?

New member
I did not want to bring it up because it makes my stomache hurt everytime I think about it. HOSTING FOR LIFE? Why would a company result to this and what is the longevity of life? What happens when the owners and employees of the company all pass away? Then what is it hosting for my life?

I feel like interviewing a few of those companies for comic relief. Here is one I just ran into:
I think it means hosting for the life of the company, and they forget to metion that nothing will ever last as long as you yourself live in the electronic world. Except maybe a printer, cause they just... work.
People are stupid. They belive fallacies. Belivers make sales.

Just hope the government doesn't catch on :D

-- HW
good question :)

i dont think i want to be a host for life. i also like programming and building computers, so i would want to take time to do those things too ;)
Hosting For Life!! That is interesting. I believe you guys are right. This is for the life of the company, not our lives! Very interesting concept. I have been through so many hosts... I certainly do not believe this. There will always be someone better or fast or whatever!

I wonder what there TOS says!
lol no kidden u got to be dum to say webhosting for life

Joshua Johnson
Central Point Entertianment
w w w .centralgroups . com
Interenet Email Webhosting
There is no guarantee for the next one hour in todays world conditions (wars-terrors, financial bubble) . How can they give hosting for life ? Simple : They are using the power of the words "Hosting for Life". Do you see the power ?
Hosting for Life will be the next slogan of the next decade. Hosting providers will get their profits via another services like : security, content management, information architecture, design, computer-human interaction, etc.