Hosting Bumper Sticks

New member
What do you all think about putting bumper stickers on the back of your car with a url to your hosting site? Will this do anything? Tell me what you think! ;)
As long as you think the person viewing it will remember your name long enough to get to a computer. Unless you put your phone # there too.

I see this more as getting some name notoriety around town but not very effective for sales.
When I see urls on the back of cars I tend to be curious enough to write them down as I am driving in hopes to look them up at home on the computer. I think it coulod work because it is something different.
TheReason said:
When I see urls on the back of cars I tend to be curious enough to write them down as I am driving in hopes to look them up at home on the computer. I think it coulod work because it is something different.
I totally agree. I have license plate holders with our company website url and the toll free number on the top. Also I gave almost evey family member t-shirts, hats and a bunch of other advertising promos. You would be surprised at how many people will start up a conversation while I am standing in front of them at the checkout or pumping gas. It is not like seeing a plumbing or painter logo or slogan and people in general are more curious about what type of services you offer and things like that. I am a firm believer that you should do everything in your power to get your name out into the public eye both online and off. It takes alot of work and costs money but if you are serious about branding and growing your business, it must be done.
Great information!

I would love to see all of the promo material you currently have. I am curious to see how it is layed out on the back of your car along with the tshirts and hats! Take some pictures of the material and show us! Thanks in advance!
TheReason said:
Great information!

I would love to see all of the promo material you currently have. I am curious to see how it is layed out on the back of your car along with the tshirts and hats! Take some pictures of the material and show us! Thanks in advance!
I am not really that ambitious right now to take pictures of all of my promo materials but if you look at any type of t-shirt or hat advertising for any business, I think you will get the general idea. This is nothing new in advertising and will work for any type of business. If I get some free time away from the computer maybe I will post a pic of my license plate, although I should cover up the number as I don't want to post my plate number for all the world to see. ;)
honestly i wouldnt deface my car with any kind of stickers.

just the way i was broughjt up i guess ;)

though i dont see what good would come from it since unles its a funny sticker no one will really read it.

best to just advertise on the web ;) :D
maggot05, don't think I can agree with that statement. When ever I see a car that has some sort of decal on the back usualy a web address, I will go check it out.
i really dont pay attention to bamper stickers. thoguh i think if you had your company on shirts and things like that i would pay attention to that more.
wcws said:
I am not really that ambitious right now to take pictures of all of my promo materials but if you look at any type of t-shirt or hat advertising for any business, I think you will get the general idea. This is nothing new in advertising and will work for any type of business. If I get some free time away from the computer maybe I will post a pic of my license plate, although I should cover up the number as I don't want to post my plate number for all the world to see. ;)
BOOO! "I am not really that ambitious right now to take pictures of all of my promo materials but if you look at any type of t-shirt or hat advertising for any business, I think you will get the general idea."

BOOOO again! Show us some pictures!
maggot05 said:
honestly i wouldnt deface my car with any kind of stickers.

just the way i was broughjt up i guess ;)

though i dont see what good would come from it since unles its a funny sticker no one will really read it.

best to just advertise on the web ;) :D
Bumper stickers get noticed more than you think! Car advertisements get noticed in general! It is a great idea!
Interesting idea, I'm sure it would work for getting your name recongized but I don't think sales would increase much.
I played Golf for a while, the amount of Golf Balls I lost would serve me great advertising :p

I looked at several Merchandise Companys, I gave up in the end, they mean 'bulk' and they mean 5000+ I mean bulk as just a few hundred, I cna't afford to spend loads of money on Merchandise when it may not bring back the money it cost me in the first place.

Anyone else seen the "pen stolen from..." pen? That would go down great with people.

Also, bummper stickers may be a bit tacky and cheesy; it would just be untargetted traffic (depending on how you think about it)
Also, bummper stickers may be a bit tacky and cheesy; it would just be untargetted traffic (depending on how you think about it)
This may be true but with something like this in the hosting business, it helps build a brand for your company. I personally like license plate holders better but anywhere that your putting your business in the public eye is a good thing :)