Host Color - rеview


New member
Hello guys,

I have a VPS with Host Color - for about 9 months and I shall say that the service is excellent and the uptime was 100% up to this point.

When i signed up for "VPS Power" virtual private server I got the VPS with their proprietary control panel, but although it was good, it was still not as mature as cPanel or Plesk. So I asked them to provide cPanel license and reinstalled the VPS. SInce them I don't have any issues and it is hard to say anything negative. The advantages of Host Color is that they offer VPS in 2 locations - one in U.S. and another in Europe. So you can migrate anytime you want.

The migration is quite easy, because they use Virtuozzo Power Panel. I asked them can I get migrated from one location to another and they explained that the infrastructure manager of Parallels they use allows them easy to transfer clients' VPS. I'm sure that the other guys who use Parallels can do this as well. It is fantastic option. Isn't it?

Any way my rank for Host Color VPS Hosting services is 9.5 from 10. The only thing that the shall improve is the account set-up time. It tooks them up to 4 hours to set up the VPS. However it worth the time to wait!

Customer Support: 9.5
VPS Reliability: 10
Uptime: 10
Price Value: 10
Account Setup: 9.0
Virtualization and Software: 10
Overall Score: 9.75 from 10

Base on my experience as VPS customer of Host Color I recommend their virtual private servers!

Best regards
Nice review! A 4 hour response time on the hosting setup is about normal in the industry, sometimes even longer on a VPS setup, but glad to hear that everything went smooth after the setup was completed. The ability to move from US to Europe on the fly is nice!
Hey guys,

Thank you for asking. My VPS - is hosted in
their European data center. However I'm getting another one in the U.S.

Kristalin Chavdarov