New member
Whats with sites selling the business and it going to heck in a handbasket? 
Name and URL of hosting company: Host a Tree host a tree.com*
Hosted URL(s): www.mainelycoupons.com, www.hbpuppy.com, www.virus692.com, www.iheartmaine.com, www.angelawatts.com
Description of service(s) used: reseller hosting-walnut
How long have you been using the service(s): year and a half
Detailed review: I found this service through the ads on this forum. It was owned by people in the next town over from me so I decided if all else failed I could show up on their doorstep and demand satisfaction. :smash:
They are a green host and I got a 50% off for life coupon at signup as a promotion. I contacted them pre-sale and got satisfactory replies in an adequate time frame so I decided to try them out.
Switched my sites over without much incident (since 90% of my content was lost through nixism's issues) and have been running pretty smoothly until recently.
In April my sites would be down for a day or three at a time. I would put in a ticket, be told only HTML was down as compared to FTP, etc and should be back up soon. After a month of dealing with this and it impacting my sites I finally got told the host was sold and the new owners will be working on fixes to prevent such issues. A couple times I was told one user crashed the server, etc which tells me they were overselling or not managing resources well enough possibly.
Tonight I logged in to update my version of WP on my sites that are less used and upload content and resources only to find that Fantastico is no longer in the CP as an option. AwStats is also not there (thank goodness for installing Google Analytics). Response to this support ticket was they were being migrated and just didn't make it back online yet. No reply as to why they just do these things without notification.
I am hoping they work out the bumps and I don't need to find another host since the hosting itself is affordable at my discounted rate (and applicable for whatever I change to either up or down in needs).
Pros: green hosting, decent coupons depending on signup time, quick ticket response
Cons: changed hands, no longer local (to me), lack of notification of outages or planned changes
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? maybe. closer to a yes than a no
*won't let me post the url?

Name and URL of hosting company: Host a Tree host a tree.com*
Hosted URL(s): www.mainelycoupons.com, www.hbpuppy.com, www.virus692.com, www.iheartmaine.com, www.angelawatts.com
Description of service(s) used: reseller hosting-walnut
How long have you been using the service(s): year and a half
Detailed review: I found this service through the ads on this forum. It was owned by people in the next town over from me so I decided if all else failed I could show up on their doorstep and demand satisfaction. :smash:
They are a green host and I got a 50% off for life coupon at signup as a promotion. I contacted them pre-sale and got satisfactory replies in an adequate time frame so I decided to try them out.
Switched my sites over without much incident (since 90% of my content was lost through nixism's issues) and have been running pretty smoothly until recently.
In April my sites would be down for a day or three at a time. I would put in a ticket, be told only HTML was down as compared to FTP, etc and should be back up soon. After a month of dealing with this and it impacting my sites I finally got told the host was sold and the new owners will be working on fixes to prevent such issues. A couple times I was told one user crashed the server, etc which tells me they were overselling or not managing resources well enough possibly.
Tonight I logged in to update my version of WP on my sites that are less used and upload content and resources only to find that Fantastico is no longer in the CP as an option. AwStats is also not there (thank goodness for installing Google Analytics). Response to this support ticket was they were being migrated and just didn't make it back online yet. No reply as to why they just do these things without notification.
I am hoping they work out the bumps and I don't need to find another host since the hosting itself is affordable at my discounted rate (and applicable for whatever I change to either up or down in needs).
Pros: green hosting, decent coupons depending on signup time, quick ticket response
Cons: changed hands, no longer local (to me), lack of notification of outages or planned changes
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? maybe. closer to a yes than a no
*won't let me post the url?