Holy ....


New member
So, the other day I notice a little bump in my face, thinking maybe a blind pimple or somehting.. yesterday I look at it, it is massive and my face is quite swollen and in some pretty bad pain.. so I went to the Doctors and he gave me some pills, but it doesn't seem to be gettin better yet, waiting for pills to kick in sucks :P

So thats my 'excuse' for not bein online on my computer much.. that and exams, writing math today in about an hour..

While your here, check out a little website I made for my Design class..
Wow. did the doctor say what it was, sounds like maybe a boil of some kind, those hurt pretty good. Hope you heal up quick.

How come when I click on the globe on your design the second page acts like it is loading but never loads. Great job on that.