[Hiring]Sales Rep - Payment only when sales made - $10/Shared $30/Reseller per sale


New member
I am currently looking for sales people that will be paid only when a sale is made.
The payment is simple, $10 for any shared accounts sold and $30 for any reseller accounts sold.

You can check the cost of our plans on www.rnhost.com/shared.php and www.rnhost.com/reseller.php
There will be one new plan added for each in less than 7 days.

Payment will be made via paypal or credit card.

You will receive your money when you have $50 or more for your balance.
The money will be added to your balance after the customer has been with rnhost for 2 months, this is to prevent fraud.
Once you have made 5+ sales the money will be added immediately to your balance.

When working in sales you will be required to find prospective customers yourself, you will have the ability to use live chat on the rnhost site.
You may use any other method, but must NOT spam.

Users can select a sales rep that helped them in the order form plus you can email me directly and let me know if someone you referred signed up.

If anyone has any questions you can PM or ask in this thread.

Do NOT contact me unless you are willing to give proper time and attention to this, too many people contacted me before, spent a lot of time talking to me on how to do the job, then never returned.
Thread moved here from the "Products/Services Offers & Requests" forum. Also John, I kindly remind you that all users are limited to 1 (one) advertising thread per 14-day in that forum. Please be more careful next time.

We rely on your further cooperation.