Help with!

New member
Hello Everyone,

I want to thank each and every one of you that has made my dream of a reality. I am happy with how this are progressing, but now I need your help. At while ago my first project was released and I went about advertising it the wrong way. I made the mistake of paying high prices on webhostingtalk along with some other sites and forgetting the true meaning of building a forum.

I need your comments and suggestions. I want to be a valuable resource for website marketing. Any ideas on the the type of forums I should include? I want to condense it down to the following areas:

Free Advertising
Paid Advertising
Site Optimization
Marketing An Online Business

Are these good topics to touch basis on? What would you add or subtract from the list? What would make you want to join the community and be apart of building it?

Is anyone here interested in helping with the community. I have been offered to sell it but I have decided to keep it because it is a project that is very dear to me.

Let me know!

My suggestion, and one you didn't ask for lol, is that you snap up and keep the naming standard (both it and could point to the site). Then you can continue to create a "network". Also, if you have a way to do a unified logon across the network of forums you'd create convenience for all of your visitors!
I think you have too many forums for such a small community. Also, I think you would have more luck advertising on domain forums than webhosting, the two go hand in hand. Namepros/Dnforum/Domainstate etc.

You need a general aim for the site, I don't think webtraffic is strong enough. Marketing/Promotion is probably a better direction! :)
robson said:
I think you have too many forums for such a small community. Also, I think you would have more luck advertising on domain forums than webhosting, the two go hand in hand. Namepros/Dnforum/Domainstate etc.

You need a general aim for the site, I don't think webtraffic is strong enough. Marketing/Promotion is probably a better direction! :)
I also own! was supposed to concentrate on marketing and promotion. I want to bring it back to that central theme. Any idea on what type of forums should be covered?