help me fix my site :'(

New member
how's it going?

i can't figure out how to make work on all browsers... on firefox it seems to work, but not on IE :o

i set up a symbolic link between www and public_html

ln -s /adam/home/public_html adam/home/www

but it still don't work :'(

save me plz guys ur my only hope :o

hahahahaha look a dancing bannana ---> :dance:
dance banana, dance :)
it doesn't here..... and now it won't work in firefox here either....
i just don't understand why my symbolic link is so problematic :'(

is there ne1 else who doesn't work for?
Xcel_Hosting said:
I think that it is a problem with your connection or ISP...give them a call. Try flushing your DNS cache.

It works for me. As Xcel_Hosting suggested try RUN >>> ipconfig /flushdns
or simple Ctrl+F5.
no ifobos doesnt work.. for me or my frend.. i just cheacked it didnt work den i asked my friend to cheack he did and it dont work for him eather.. plz help
centos said:
Hi Hussain,

Try in and if you can see your site there then you have to check it with your LAN firewall or contact your ISP. Also try a traceroute.

Support Engineer
yea i can see the webstie here.. wut does this mean.. can u plz help.. well it worked on the same computer b4 it just startind dis problem.. can u all see.