Help me figure out the favicon issue


Staff member
I am not sure if it's just me, but as I browse HD, I see some pages with the blue "HD" favicon, while some pages are appearing with the older white "coffee cup" favicon.

How can it be that both are working? If anyone has any bright ideas, let me know below.
Haven't seen the old cup in quite some time. Does it happen to show to you while you're in the back-end admin mode? If so, maybe there's a favicon.ico file in the /admin folder for the forum?

Another area would be bookmarked pages. Sometimes those hold on to the old favicons for longer than necessary. Usually, a Control+Refresh would clear it out, but that's a rare need too.

When you see it again, can you jot down the URL and see if anyone else sees it?
Oh, those are great thoughts.

Just noticed something interesting. I see the white favicon every time I land on the site, be it index page or another page. But if I refresh the page, or go to another page (second click), it switches to the blue favicon, except on the index page. The index page always shows the white favicon for me.
Here's something to check - especially for you mac people ;)

Basically, it's saying that it can't find a favicon in the root of the site. Maybe check if that file exists?

I've used that generation site before to generate the various icons for other browsers/devices rather than just relying on the favicon.ico file itself to push info. All you have to do is upload your image, it will make the icons for the various devices, provide a zip file, then you download and unpack it to the /public_html folder.

Might be worth a shot?
Cool resource. Had no clue that stuff like this even exists. I probably also have no clue about the existence of a website for people who have no clue. 😂

I am going to dig into it come Monday. My wife is making up errands at this point in an attempt to drag me away from my laptop.