Hello :)


New member
Hi Everyone,

Long time lurked first time joiner.

I used to run a hosting business going back 10 years ago and recently started to give it another go! Looking to input some advise to members where needed.

I'd say I'm clued up on server management and the associated software but there's always more to learn :) hopefully I can be of help.

Regards, Kerry
Kerry, I am happy you decided to join after a long time being a watcher. I was very curious about the name of your company during the validation process, but I wasn't able to find anything, so I am certainly looking forward to learning more about your new venture.

Thanks for taking the time to say hello. Your kind of knowledge and experience will definitely come in handy.

Welcome to HD. :wave:
Kerry, I am happy you decided to join after a long time being a watcher. I was very curious about the name of your company during the validation process, but I wasn't able to find anything, so I am certainly looking forward to learning more about your new venture.

Thanks for taking the time to say hello. Your kind of knowledge and experience will definitely come in handy.

Welcome to HD. :wave:

Thanks for the welcome. The domain was only registered last week and as of yet I haven't started on the website, just sorting the server and backend at the moment but will be ready and operational soon :) (Fingers crossed)