Hello everyone! I'm Shadow Sysop.


New member
Hi there. I'm the administrator of Shadow Servers, a VPS, Game Server, and all other kind of hosting company. We are a small operation based in New York City that believes strongly in privacy. Our team is super responsive and very interactive. Most clients actually deal with me on a 1 on 1 basis via Discord (my staff and I are heavy duty gamers/streamers, so we spend allot of time in our Discord).

Anyways, we have an incredible infrastructure setup and have very good pricing. Our uptime and hardware quality rival most. Unfortunately, none of us are salesman or promo specialists, so here I am taking an initiative. hoping to find some new clients in this forum. I was using Microsoft Ads with some success for the last few months, but oddly, shortly after my last $200 top up, Microsoft refunded and suspended me with only a generic ban email. I'm not sure what happened. So, I'm on Google ads now (I don't like google) hoping for the best.

Maybe I'll find some awesome clients here, or at the very least, some cool friends. Say hi here or on discord (Shadow Sysop#0101). I look forward to meeting you!
Nice intro, thanks for taking the time to say hi and share a little more about your company. Transparency is key and it appears like you are very passionate about the subject of your hosting business, which means sooner or later clients will recognize that as well.