HD New Ownership Announcement

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New member
New Ownership Announcement!

Dear members and visitors,

With this acquisition, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some of the changes that are currently being implemented to the community.

Introducing our new name: hostingdiscussions.com will now be known as HostingDiscussion.com.

You may have noticed we have re-structured the forums, implemented new Policies and Guidelines and made other few changes to the site. These changes are just the beginning.

HostingDiscussion will have a brand new look that is currently being finalized and hopefully implemented by the end of March 2003.

We are currently working on a new system that will allow hosts to present their information in a more proper way. Some of the advantages of this system include: company information profile w/ company logo, current hosting special offers & descriptions, list of links to forum discussions about the company, and more...

Also we are implementing a new system that will allow user to browse articles, topics may include running a hosting business, server security, getting started, hosts interviews, and more..

Your comments and feedback are very valuable to us. If you can think of a way in which we can improve HostingDiscussion.com, we want to hear from you! Please direct all comments and suggestions to the "Suggestions and Feedback Forum" or if you prefer you can email your comments directly to me.

We ask for your continued support and participation in taking us all to the next level of mutual success.

Thank you.
Thanks for your kind words Martie! :)

We have big plans for the future that will start taking place from next month along with the new design by ravio.

....stay tune! ;)
Hi Orioli and all members of this community,

I thought I'd pass by to introduce myself. It's good to see Orioli again.

Hosting is one of my fav topics as it was the very first thing I was introduced to and started earning from, when I got into web business 4 years ago. What a difference in prices. My first virtual server space back then was $56! It cost me $42 as an affiliate, though, as I had gotten a 25% discount. Those were normal prices for decent hosting back then:D

I hope to find enough time to participate often in this fine community, led by the very skilled and talented Orioli.
Welcome to HostingDiscussion Barbara,
I am glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
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