Hawk Host :: Boxing Day 12GB Space 120GB B/W cPanel Fantastico PHP4 PHP5


New member
Today is boxing day so Hawk Host is offering 50% off our advanced and super shared accounts. Just use the coupon "2007boxingdayshared" which will be valid until 01/02/2008. If you're looking for some other deals just take a look at the Hawk Host Blog for other deals.

Accepted Forms Of Payment
American Express, Diner's Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, Visa, Online Check and Paypal

Account Features
Unlimited POP3 Emails
Unlimited Email Aliases
PHP 4.4.x
PHP 5.2.x
99.9% Uptime guarantee
24/7 Support via email, help desk and our live help on our website
Additional IP's can be purchased at $2/month
And more

Server Information
4x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3220 @ 2.40GHz
4GB Ram
4x250GB SATA II Raid-10
100MBIT Port
Dallas Datacenter
Nightly Backups (Remote NAS)

Shared Accounts

12000MB Space
120GB Bandwidth
$9.95/month with "2007boxingdayshared" coupon just $4.98/month

24000MB Space
240GB Bandwidth
$12.95/month with "2007boxingdayshared" coupon just $6.48/month

Reviews (Please note previously DevotedHost)
Skeptical about our cheap offerings? Why not check out some reviews on Webhostingtalk about our great support, servers and uptime.
HawkHost review
Hawk Host Review: Sign up day
DevotedHost.biz 10 months review
Devotedhost.net Review
My review on devotedhost.biz
[review] DevotedHost.biz
devotedhost.biz Great host for resellers and shared

That's just a few of the many happy customers at HawkHost just to show you that awesome prices can also mean awesome hosting :)

Once again the coupon is "2007boxingdayshared" and it will get you 50% off our advanced and super shared accounts. This coupon will be valid until 01/02/2008

Enjoy this latest deal from HawkHost

Shared Package Compare Page: Hawk Host Shared Compare

If you have any questions please feel free to use our contact form on our web site.

Website Link: Hawk Host - Shared, Reseller and Dedicated Web Hosting

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