Have this financial crisis affected ur business?

Business is actually up, and I expect this trend to continue as large corporations continue to lay off employees. Many of them are deciding to do their own thing - start small businesses, and of course have an online presence.
Hi Guys,

How much business have u lost in this crisis?

Absolutely none. I've actually seen an great increase in all aspects of my online business endeavors from hosting to development. I wouldn't really call it a crisis, but that's just my opinion. Many people are going through very hard times right now, but on the other end there are quite a few who have seen the great potential of gains possible.

I just purchased a home with a 4.6% fixed rate, and although much of my stock portfolio has tanked over the last year, I'm still buying more(way cheaper)..

IMO there's many ways to look at and approach the current state of the economy. The businesses the thrive through this end up far better ran than those who obviously don't make it, and even most that would do quite well under normal conditions.

Figure out how to use this to your advantage, then work to the bone, and in 5-10 years you can sip margaritas with me in Fiji :) J/k.
It really depends on which industry are you in. I focus on several industries (targeting totally different users but all web based) - from hosting to U.S. end user products to worldwide investment tools. In my case, business targeting U.S. end users market hit badly - some are even down for 70%; other business (investment tools and financing education for example), is showing positive growth sign.

I'm surprise to see more advertisers with deep pocket are coming into the financial industry. Perhaps this incident forces big cooperation to innovate and advance to web advertising.
There are opportunities if you look for them, yes people are getting layed off and people are looking for ways to generate extra income and many are turning to the web to do this.
The number of sites do not decrease. In fact, the Web has been growing by roughly 850,000-1,000,000 websites every month. Additionally, the worldwide hosting market (according to Tier 1 Research) has projected a 26% growth per year and will be a $24.4 billion industry by 2010 (that's from $12.3 billion in 2007).

I dare to say that a web hosting industry is recession proof.
True, hosting industry is recession proof, but it slightly hit our expansion plans. We had to give big discounts to some of our big firms, espcially those who hired tech on monthly basis. Tickets flow has reduced as well.

There are lots of new sites coming in, but they are going for low cost hosts and no market research is getting done also by those site owners.
Unfortunately, we have seen a very steep decline in sales since the recession hit. Not sure why, a lot of the other companies are saying, "O we're growing!". Possibly our advertising techniques?
Unfortunately, we have seen a very steep decline in sales since the recession hit. Not sure why, a lot of the other companies are saying, "O we're growing!". Possibly our advertising techniques?

Its hard to comment without knowing what your marketing plan/strategy has been.
Plus, sometimes it could be the offer/product that is being hit the most. I think most consumers, while not disconnecting, going for cheaper alternatives at this time.
Well, this month has so far been the worst in a very long time for me. I'm a hosting companies affiliate. So, it would seem some things are indeed changing. Either customers are looking for new/different types of hosting, or they require cheaper hosting, or they're looking for hosting but postponing the actual purchase. The sales decline is not explained away by a traffic decline as the two don't really match.
Business is actually up, and I expect this trend to continue as large corporations continue to lay off employees. Many of them are deciding to do their own thing - start small businesses, and of course have an online presence.

I couldn't agree more. With my web design / development and hosting I've seen nothing but an increase.
I don't live on credit so it's affected me none. All my other losses like home value and retirement losses are only paper losses. Both will eventually go back up and I have a good 30 years to wait on that. The house, maybe not but it's paid off so no big deal.
March 2009 was our second highest month of NEW income over the past 24 months (February 2007 being the highest grosing month of NEW sales).

The number of new clients has grown exponentially and the number of packages, however we're having to work harder for the money these days. While we are seeing more customers and packages, we're seeing the smaller type packages being purchased.

We had some of our larger corporations pull back the reigns on what they were spending ruducing the number of dedicated servers and even some customers combining packages in order to save a few dollars.

So positive growth (new customers)
Postivie growth on income of new customers
Negative growth in larger packages

More NEW customers / More NEW revenue generate / LESS per customer revenue