Has any host switched from one to another?


New member
Curious about this.
Has any host here switched from one control panel to another?

We have. We used to offer PlesK, although now only offer cPanel.
We are tempted to offer H-Sphere but are not sure if we should do that or create our own control panel from scratch. :confused:

Another quite nice one is the Ababa control panel from Yupapa.
That seems to be coming along quite nicely now, it's already in version 3 I think?
Well, we didn't switch, we just started offering 2 choices of CP's...

1) cPanel / WHM
2) Plesk

So that is good for our clients!
Yeah, Plesk is nice.
Ages back we used to offer Plesk v2.5, yet then we changed to Plesk v5.0.3 and then to cPanel. :)

Although, I'd never have my clients go back to Plesk unless v6.0 came out - I'm sure I'll only offer Plesk when v6.0 comes out, as that should have all the features my clients need which is nice.

The thing that my clients need and want is Cron Jobs, yet I don't want to give out SSH, although may do in the future, and the other half don't know how to even use SSH!
So until they make sub-domains like cPanel has it and fix the Cron Jobs thing, I'll never use Plesk.
Yeah. I'm sure though that my clients would easily accept the change if Plesk 6.0 was all great and mighty.

I really like Plesk, I really do - but its lack of features would put me out of business if I only offered it. There are so few who wants Plesk due to its lack of features.

I'd gladly only use Plesk now if my clients could create their own sub-domains without hassling me, and if they could do Cron Jobs, etc. without needing SSH.

Some clients are now demanding SSH even with cPanel, and I may give in and let those who have the know how to use it to use it obviously.

But obviously, cPanel is nice because it makes everything so easy and simple without the hassle, which Plesk gives you a lot of! :(
hostingcontroller.com is releasing a Linux version of their CP.
Will be interesting to see how ell it does. Their Wondows CP has done pretty well so far.
We offer the bog standard RAQCP and Ensim Pro 3.5 ... i like the look of Ensim Pro 3.5 but it's a pain when your upgrading from 3.1
A lot of people find it hard upgrading, or patching any version of Enim... just seems like it's very hard to upgrade to a better version.

Yeah, it would be interesting to see how well hostingcontroller does, since their Windows one is extremely popular - one of the most popular for Windows, if I'm not mistaken?