Greetings to all!


New member
Greetings to all!

I'm not a "new" member here by far, but for some reason the database didn't recognise the email I used to sign up with here previously, so the most logical option was to create a new active account.

My name is Anthony Bullock, 19 from Yorkshire in the UK. I'm a website designer, website developer and writer of many forms. Here are some of my current projects and websites:

I enjoyed this community before for its community spirit and friendliness, and I hope to enjoy it again for the same reasons and more :)


:mic: :mic:
1.3 Multiple user accounts are not permitted, participants must have maximum of one account per person no matter how many companies they represent.

Please submit a ticket to the support desk and we'll see what we can do to get you back with one account.
I spoke with Anthony, and we have reestablished and merged his account with his old one. The reason it didn't work is that Anthony forgot that he has already changed the username before.

Welcome back, Anthony.
Artashes said:
I spoke with Anthony, and we have reestablished and merged his account with his old one. The reason it didn't work is that Anthony forgot that he has already changed the username before.
In that case, good to see you back around the forums! :thumbsup:
Artashes said:
Hmm, hmm...
I resent your fake correction. I'll only say this, using Bart Simpson's words: "I didn't do it!"

Can you truly prove otherwise now? :P
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That quote is totally fake, I am innocent! That's all I have to say about that! (as Forest Gump used to say) :P

You are hereby sentenced by this court to unlimited hours of community service at correctional facility.
I'll accept the punishment, but under protest! Like any respectable inmate, I must stress that I'm innocent and I've been framed! :D
Moobrack aka Anthony ...

A big Welcome back to you too. Guess we both arrived back & announced it about the same day (or close enough) :)

I too missed the community spirit & friendliness here ... along with the humor some of these members so easily display :)

I look forward to reading your posts :)

Take care