Green IT Companies?


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Recently, the government has shown interest in the level of energy produced by office buildings through the use of office equipment, such as personal computers, printers, etc, with the suggestion being it is more harmful to the environment than previously realized. I think it is important that I try to minimize my energy consumption. Are there any IT companies out there that are energy conscious? Is energy consumption awareness high on any IT companies lists?
Defiantly a hot topic in this industry with everyone wanting to be "green"

In 2007 Coreix become the first data centre to have a carbon neutral facility. Since then many companies followed suit.
I think it's important for companies to actually make their systems and operations more energy efficient. A lot of companies just buy energy credits...
Not to sure about hostgator...I think they just bought energy credits.

Anyways, it is good to see companies going green. It helps all of us in the end.
There's no doubt that Green is a hot buzzword. There's GREEN laptops and computers and then others that can claim green for other reasons.

If we WANTED, we could claim green in that our employees all work from home which means there's no traffic on the road, no pollution and thus, we are working toward a Green Environment by not requiring them to come to the office. I'm PERSONALLY green as I have a robotic lawnmower that runs on electricity (Costs about $10/season in electricity). So since I'm not spilling gallons of gas and poluting the environment, I'm green :)

There's so many variances of what "green" actually is, be sure to read the fine print on what they're claiming.

This topic has come up a number of times, but again, for people and companies to claim green, there's fine print. Host gator does claim it, and they do have some logistics posted as to how they consider themselves green (paying renewable credits etc). Hostgator is not as green as other datacenters that are 100% wind powered - but again, it depends on how green you want something to be :)
Yeah, if your not green you shouldnt claim to be green. Its like overselling, we all know it's wrong.
Not even the Maasai are truly green these days. :)

There is a special focus these days given to the energy source. While it is an important aspect, it is far from being the only one to define "environmentally friendly" status.
The trouble is that so many 'green' places just buy carbon credits from elsewhere. Its not really green, its just abuse and buying trees.

You can do that yourself. If you are concerned, work your own plans out at home. I will never trust these places that claim to have a green operation.
Green is certainly the BUZZWORD for now, as well it should be. Hopefully, more providers will jump onboard. Every little bit helps.
Just by searching green and web hosting in a search engine, like Google, you can see that it is a big topic. I think many IT companies are trying to be more environmentally conscious.
Most companies that say they are green are really doing the bare minimum to be green. They are still using the same amount of electricity but perhaps they recycle paper so that they can say they are green.
Use Less Energy

"Green" is definitely objective depending on the company. I agree that some aren’t truly “green”, but there are some that are legitimate. Companies like BestIT for example, aren’t just talking about reducing the damaging emissions, because that is what everyone is talking about. They recognize that reducing emissions but still using large amounts of energy damages the environment also. The next step to going green is to find energy sipping products and actually use them.
Yes, I'm sure that some companies may try and be green, but people like GreenHost, how do they actually cut down on electricity usage ect.
I really don't believe any of those "green" companies is really green. It is just an advertising trick. Hostgator claim to have "gone green", but exactly how did they do that when all their servers are at ThePlanet's DC. Correct me if I am wrong...
Green is partialy marketing but going green is a trend even outside of the hosting industry. Honestly I think it should be standard practice for us to run our servers as efficient as possible. To purchase renewable wind and help build more wind plantations. There are as someone mentioned a limited number of green datacenters and I hope that number grows. There is nothing wrong with advertising your green if you truely are taking the steps. I'd rather spend $100 on renewable energy credits and a few bucks marketing when it all comes down to the world we live in. I'm in the process of getting a degree in environmental science and I will be more then happy to take any questions.