Google Services for Websites

I won't be integrating any of this. I don't really see any benefit to us or our clients. Probably plenty of benefit for Google though.
I've walked clients througn submitting their sites to google, that's about as far as I'd like to go. Email hosting isn't bad though if you like gmail for your domain.
I can fit in.

This is a great post and makes me think of where I can fit in. I do a little bit of everything mentioned here and I guess I have to find my competitive advantage.
Most of the customers already either using those free tools or knowing about them, however nothing bad to add them into blog or a knowledgebase.
I think most customers are aware of the value of google, and while there's a referral fee for users that signup for the addsense (which google fails to state how much), I don't think I'd actually be integrating this to our site.

It's nice that users could upload a sitemap to the search engine, but I think that will scream headace down the road too. I'd much rather see users get involved in the webmaster tools directly and analytics etc. Placing google adds on a users site for competing products (we deal with mainly ecommerce sites) I don't personally think is in the best interest of our customers.

I'm sure this will work for some people, but for us I don't think it's something that we'd integrate - post a review and the importance of google tools etc, sure, but integrate? Probably not on our end.