Google or Amazon?


New member
I'm in marketing pretty much these days and I've been thinking whether to switch all my sites to Amazon affiliate program instead to Google's AdSense. What do you think, in general, brings more money?
Adsense is easier to make money with because you are paid for clicks, whereas with Amazon, you only make money if someone buys something and you're not going to find many buyers unless you're selling a hot product cheap.

I'm in marketing pretty much these days and I've been thinking whether to switch all my sites to Amazon affiliate program instead to Google's AdSense. What do you think, in general, brings more money?

This is off topic , but your avatar just reminded me of when I was younger and was reading "Zagor" , one of the better Italian comic books :)
Amazon can be very profitable and even better than the Google AdSense but only if your site is generating traffic for the people interested in the products promoted. For instance, if your site is about DVDs and then some movie related Amazon ads units appear on your site, every day several sales could be recorded and this would be like a great income.
I agree with Plexihost that Adsense is easier to make money with, as the users just need to click the ads to earn you money. Moreover, Amazon provide low commission rate, I think about 4%. Anyway, why don't you use both to make money with?
Adsense is easier to use than affiliate but little bit steady process to get traffic to your site. Whereas Affiliate are faster to earn money getting traffic to the site.
As every one said adsense is easier and you get paid for every click no matter if they buy something from you or not, so if your site has some cool and quick selling products go for amazon if not Adsense.
Unless you have a decent budget for advertising, or are in a niche that nobody else is in, don't bother with PPC ads. It's a nightmare. Bids for decent keywords are skyrocketing, and unless you intend to spend 3-400 a month on advertising you are just wasting money.

Better option is forum posting, blog commenting/posting, word of mouth, etc.. and at least with the first 2, you can still get decent SEO rankings.
chose it

depending on the selected topic. if you select a topic should use Hight paying adsense keywords and competition tend to be more rigorous and difficult but if using a low-paying keywords can use amazon because promotion is cheaper and can use AdWords PPC
This is off topic , but your avatar just reminded me of when I was younger and was reading "Zagor" , one of the better Italian comic books :)

Yup, that was the one and the best of them all! :)

I agree with Plexihost that Adsense is easier to make money with, as the users just need to click the ads to earn you money. Moreover, Amazon provide low commission rate, I think about 4%. Anyway, why don't you use both to make money with?

I'm trying just that at the moment and I'll see how it goes.
Google Adsense was a complete waste of money i think i had bad experience with waiting for my ads to be approved and all these fees... But it will get you clicks no doubt but you will pay a pretty penny using them.
want to make quick money Then Adsense else go for Amazon,coz as Plexihost said, with Amazon you only make money if someone buys something and you're not going to find many buyers unless you're selling a hot product cheap..
We've been very successful using Google AdSence.... as it far our performs Yahoo and Microsoft 3 to 1.

But wait! theres more..... things are changing on the horizon and Yahoo will << NOT >> be merging with Microsoft. Ah! too bad...(smile)