Google goes PacMan


HD Moderator
Staff member
Just did a search on Google and discovered they had a PacMan game up there. Had to play a couple of games. I love the insert coin.
Ok - back to work :D
No problem - I knew that's what you were thinking. Hey, it's Friday afternoon - looking forward to 90+ weather here. :D
just was there actually a couple of hours ago and left the page quickly. DIdn't need to insert coin, it just ran automatically. Here's the part I don't like - Google decided to have sound on it, auto play the sound, and well that creates a problem when you have your sound up and you're supposed to be working! :)

I restrained from playing, and continued on my diligent search for an answer to what I needed.
just was there actually a couple of hours ago and left the page quickly. DIdn't need to insert coin, it just ran automatically. Here's the part I don't like - Google decided to have sound on it, auto play the sound, and well that creates a problem when you have your sound up and you're supposed to be working! :)

I restrained from playing, and continued on my diligent search for an answer to what I needed.

LIAR!!! :D