Google chrome will disabled the green lock?

Please post where you read this. The "green Secure" has been removed for nearly a year. Are you referring to this, or the actual Lock icon being removed?

I'd be interested if this is a new article or something that has been just dug up from the past.
I think what you are referring to is that, Google Chrome is going to highlight/warn sites with no https.
By default it will show lock(with black color) for https, instead of previously green color.

Infact, I just checked, Chrome does not show Green lock, but black, for https sites.
The reason behind this is google feels that a safe web should be the norm, unsafe web should be highlighted. That's their statement.
The reason behind this is google feels that a safe web should be the norm, unsafe web should be highlighted. That's their statement.

but just because a site runs under HTTPS does not make it safe. many scammers use SSL certs to make their sites look safe so people are fooled into paying peanuts for fake goods or goods they never receive.
Never ssl is a surefire way for safety. Im answering ops question about why google has removed the green lock and googles resons behind it.

What you say is true, although in genral majority sites are not doing this. So its still a overall safer web google is aiming for.

Users are not as easily fooled Ssl is only a small part of what they look at for legitimacy. Other things may include reviews from real people , online reputation across other channels. ( which yes can aslo be faked ).. Its the web there will always be that element no matter how you look at it.
Users are not as easily fooled Ssl is only a small part of what they look at for legitimacy.

They are easily fooled, you should have a read through the forum on and you will be amazed at how many people are taken in by these sites that offer designer products for peanuts and then go on the forum

'i saw this site then were offering Nike Air trainers for £10 so i ordered a pair and i have not received anything and their is no contact details on the website to contact anyone'

and when you mention the red flags

1) £100 trainers for £10
2) no address or contact details on website
3) no terms and conditions
4) a whois search shows hidden details on domain registered in china

you get attacked for pointing simple checks out.

but these types of scammers would never pay for an SSL cert, so they never used to have padlock etc, but with the age of free SSL certs they now show ssl cert.
This is why a business should purchase an SSL so they get validation with it.